Team Builder

Exploring the Art of Team Excellence: Insights from Team Builder

Unleashing Team Potential
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Unleashing Team Potential

What Are Personality Assessments?

Personality assessments are fun and insightful tools that help us understand the unique traits, behaviours, and preferences of each team member. Think of them as a way to get to know your colleagues on a deeper level—beyond the surface of daily interactions. These assessments are designed to highlight individual strengths and uncover areas where we can be...

The Psychological Compass
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The Psychological Compass

Recent studies reveal that a staggering 60% of new managers face difficulties in adjusting to their role, with many feeling unprepared for the complexities of leadership (Leadership Pipeline Institute

Team Builder
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Team Builder

What have psychology, AI and team performance got in common? Team Builder, a virtual psychologist that understands you, like really knows you at a deep level, and knows each member of your team in the